Koskenkorva Vodka 60% Ltr
- Inhoud 1 L
- Alc 60%
Koskenkorva Vodka 60% Ltr
In the glass the high-quality Koskenkorva Vodka Original 60% presents beautifully transparent and clear. After the first few seconds the scent of the Vodka spreads around the room. The scent is reminiscent of cereal and light spices. Tasteful and mysterious the Vodka behaves perfectly on the palate. A clear and clean finish completes the Koskenkorva Vodka Original 60%. This drink should be served cold and pure. Nevertheless the Koskenkorva Vodka is also suitable for mixing long drinks and exquisite cocktails and ensures that every occasion is a special kick.
The Koskenkorva Vodka is produced in the suburb of Ilmajoki in Koskenkorva by the Altia Group. Altia Corporation is owned by the Finnish state and represents many internationally known brands around the world. Ilmajoki is high in northern Scandinavia in Finland.
The preparation of Koskenkorva Vodka takes place from the mash of barley grown in its own fields. About 18200 grains of premium barley are used to produce a half liter of Koskenkorva 013 Vodka. The higher the starch content of the barley the more Vodka can be produced. The long ice-cold winters are the ideal growing conditions for the pure barley. The Koskenkorva distillery uses about 200 million kilos of barley annually which is approximately 10% of the Finnish barley harvest.
The Koskenkorva distillery has one of the most advanced distillation process available in the world. This passes through more than 250 processes to become a highly concentrated and qualitative Vodka. After an 8 times distillation process the Vodka is diluted by means of glacier water to a drinking strength of 60 vol.% and sugar is added. Unlike most Vodkas the smooth Koskenkorva Vodka Original 60% is not filtered through activated carbon.
The majority of the world sees the number 13 as an unlucky number. Here the number 13 is a lucky number and for exactly the reason that number has been integrated within the name of the Koskenkorva Vodka. The magic number 13 should therefore be responsible for ensuring that the Vodka is counted among the best known and most popular drinks in Finland. However with the particularity of the number 13 is not all told.
The label of the Vodka shows 11 barns in a landscape with fields which represents the actual landscape of the Ostrobothnia region. Koskenkorva Vodka represents The Finns who are generally seen to be honest, courageous and reserved and can only “let loose” when drinking the special Vodka.
Billions of bottles of Koskenkorva Vodka have been sold since 1953, apparently one bottle of Vodka is opened every second. An unopened bottle of Koskenkorva Vodka will keep forever and makes an excellent gift and a prize possession in a Vodka collection. The Vodka is exported mainly to Sweden and general Scandinavia.
Alc | 60% |
Inhoud (L) | 1 L |
Land | Finland |